Metabolism diet

One understands all chemical events by metabolism in the human body. A healthy nutrition plays an important role in all metabolism events. The most important hormone of the nutrition metabolism is the insulin. It provides the cells with fats, proteins and carbohydrates. High insulin values also increase the blood fat values like cholesterol and triglyceride and prevent the fat dissimilation through this. Hormones important to the metabolism also are reduced.

The metabolism diet lasts approx. 1 week and is repeated again and again. During the diet one should take 5-6 meals on the day. For breakfast one may drink only coffee with a little milk and wholemeal bread or a roll eats to this. The noon and evening menu consists of meat, fish, salad, fetuses, yoghurt or eggs. One should eat a heavily and for a long time chewing cash food like apple or raw carrots in between times. All dairy products are almost forbidden apart from cheese and yoghurt.

A very fat nutrition rich in proteins, the carbohydrates, is minerals and, however, vitamins however come far too briefly. The diet must be completed with vitamin and mineral preparations to avoid deficiency symptoms. The jojo effect isn't a talk on nutrition rearrangement, is automatic so. Without physical motion and sports a durable take-off isn't practicable.

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