Mayo diet

This diet was developed by the famous American Mayo clinic in the fifties, it doesn't belong to the parliamentary allowance according to the time today any more, however. One also calls it an egg diet since three to four eggs must be consumed minimumly. Food like low-fat meat, fish, fruit, vegetables and dairy products, is still permitted to this as a supplement. Rice, potatoes, bread and products with a high fat content are forbidden. The minimum calorie supply lies between 1000-1500 calories.

However, it is but since the carbohydrates are completely missing one nevertheless gets a unilateral nutrition against this much supplied to much egg-white. By increased egg-white mirrors the cholesterol values increase, these at overweight anyway usually are too high and can cause the heart circulation troubles like coronary heart conditions or arteriosclerosis through. The accumulated egg-white dissimilation products increase the risk from gout and kidney damages.

This one carbohydrates are reduced to a small quantity except for zero, the body is forced to use egg-white as a main energy supplier unnoticedly after, that proteins as well as fats contain hardly nutrients. To be able to convert egg-white in glucose this one needs a human body energy much, so that the high energy consumption finally can lead to the take-off. However, the Mayo diet cannot be recommended for duration because although take-off can increased extremely become the chances of Jojo effect rapidly, however if one the nutrition behavior only is switched over to short time and the causes of the overweight aren't fought.

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