Fatburner diet

One understands food contents substances by fatburner which promote the fat burn of the human body. Such substances are enzymes, certain nutrients, vitamins and trace elements.

Endogenous substances like e.g. the hormones, particularly the growth hormone and glucagon play an important role in the fat burn. If the body can show no more reserve at carbohydrates, the glucagon at appearance of the hungry feeling tipped out and therefore the liver to this lively, fat are the glucose-extraction the cells to from fetch.

Particularly good fatburner are e.g. pineapples, papaya, L carnitine, algae, cider vinegar, vitamin carbon, linolic acid and magnesium. In addition to the above-mentioned foods you should drink (mineral water, maté tea) much and move.

You must not count the calories but only simply pay attention to a low-fat nutrition.

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