Fasting cure to Buchinger

This diet was called Dr. Otto Buchinger after his inventor. The German doctor fallen ill with metabolic disturbances has tried to cure himself with fasting. The fasting only takes fluid as himself during the cures like vegetable broth, juices, mineral waters and herb tea through which the fat reserves of the body are activated completely and it can lead to a rapid take-off.

The Buchinger diet should be carried out best in a fasting clinic. It can man carry out also alone but one is in a group motivated and because of the special diet plan one does himself also more lightly in the fasting clinic. One begins with a fruit day. As of the second day pressed vegetables and fruit juices are only consumed. It is very important to take sufficient fluid during fasting. The objective of fasting is different diseases like adiposis or rheumatism fast to unhurt. Different motion and relaxation exercises are also offered in addition in special fasting clinical complexes. However, it isn't a long-term diet since the body gets deficiency symptoms by missing nutrients at a longer application. The metabolism rearrangement can cause side effects like headaches, attacks of gout or kidney troubles.

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