Atkins diet

The Atkins diet became named a Dr. Robert C. Atkins after his inventor. He prefers a fat nutrition rich in proteins. Fish, meat, sausage, cheese and eggs are you must renounce almost completely permitted only on carbohydrate rich foods like pasta, reis, bread and candy. However, a little fruit and vegetables are permitted. After carbohydrates are reduced to a small quantity except for zero, the body is forced to use fat and egg-white as a main energy supplier.

One can this one divide up the Atkins diet into 4 phases, different sets of carbohydrates are different only through this one. Although this diet is extremely fillingly and the often annoying one "calories-count" stays away also, nevertheless has, however, some disadvantages. One takes here fats uncheckedly without paying attention to whether they are high-quality, multiply unsaturated fatty acids.

The Atkins diet loads very strongly the kidneys and by increased blood fat values heart circulation troubles can appear. However, it isn't rare either that one gets an unpleasant halitosis

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