Permanent make-up

Being able to finally go without doubts to the swimming pool and to the sports?

Finally round-the-clock perfect appearance? Make-up can be the perfect solution permanent to this.

Cosmetic means are applied merely on the skin. If the more deep-seated skin layers are inked, this is already a tattooing which has to be removed no longer so lightly.

The permanent make-up lies between the two species. The color is brought in into the topmost skin layer here. Make-up keeps about five years permanent. One and woman should therefore wonder at the selection of shape and color well whether this is portable also after the change of the fashion. Certified the plant colors, which is coordinated with the skin type of the patients, are physically quite safe and should guarantee a highest skin tolerance. The most frequent corrections are carried out at the eye brown, eyelashes and lips. Make-up should underline the natural skin and color of hair of a person permanent.

The medical treatment lasts approximately for one depending on species and circumference until four hours. Only one times, the intermediate result should be looked at exactly at the pre-spotting. If news and beautician are content, you can start with marking. The natural pigments are brought with micro fine one way acupuncture needles with approx. 190 punctures per second under the skin.

The possible risks are the missing legal norms for the purity and quality of the colors.

After the operation direct sunshine should be avoided for about two weeks to prevent a color discoloration. Medicines (such as aspirin) shouldn't be taken blood also thinning down.

A detailed advice conversation should take place. in front of the medical treatment

Could following questions are settled:
Which qualification has the beautician?
Are the suppliers specialists in this field?
Which colors does the cosmetics studio use?
Are improvements included in the price?
Are the hygienic conditions sufficient?
Is sterilized or one way needle uses?
Is there the possibility of removing the color perhaps again?
Is a brightening up the colors also offered?
Are also high-quality colors used at the pre-spotting?
How do the colors work at the daylight?

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

Diese Informationen dürfen auf keinen Fall als Ersatz für ärztliche Beratung angesehen werden. Der Inhalt von kann und darf auf keinen Fall verwendet werden, um eigenständig Diagnosen zu stellen oder Selbstbehandlung durchzuführen.

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