Mamma reduction and mamma streamlining

Too big mammas cannot cause only spiritual but also physical pains. Women often sympathize to great mammas under back complaints and inflammations in the mamma area.

Who then has decided in favor of an operative mamma reduction should be in a good general health status and their mamma must be healthy to itself. In addition, the patient must be old more than 18 years and mustn't be pregnant or not calm during the operation. If young women still plan children, they should wait with the operation since the mammas change after a pregnancy and perhaps the mamma must be tightened once again. The operation also should be postponed until a later time if a weight reduction is scheduled since a diet can lead to a relaxation of the mamma tissue.

A mamma reduction has effect and reverse mamma also tightening one. These operations as a rule are carried out into general anesthesia and last approx. 3 hours. A stationary stay from about four days is recommended.

There are several methods for the mamma reduction. Which of the methods is chosen depends on the imaginations and wishes of the patient. These should be cleared in a thorough advice conversation with the surgeon in front of the operation. The physician shows the possibilities and limits of the operation.

The surplus fatty tissue is removed at very big mammas, the nipple is shifted and the skin then tightened. It is tried at the operation to not separate the milk ducts between nipple and gland body through. It must nevertheless get prudent that it isn't always possible to get the silent ability.

As a rule, the incision leadership goes around the nipple or also vertically into the mamma fold. The mamma reduction also can be combined with a fat suction in the mamma area.

The smoking should strongly restrictedly for four weeks from the operation and must on pain-killing medicines for two weeks from the operation be renounced such as aspirin.

The patient should move the arms as little as liking light, raise nothing heavy primarily after the operation. A sufficient fluid supply has to be guaranteed and it isn't recommended urgently on the abdomen sleep. In addition, it should wear the special bras given by the surgeon after the operation approximately 6 weeks at night, too.

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