Fat suction women

A beautiful body shape is the wish of many people. One reaches a general weight reduction parliamentary allowance mostly but not in the places in which one would best of all like to decrease. Fat suction or liposuction is a method to enhance the body silhouette but it isn't an alternative for the dissimilation of overweight. Being able to with fat suction to correct those places just in which the most obstinate and unsightly little paddings have formed. With women these are frequently thighs, knee, at the upper and hypogastrium at the hip, waist, or these lead to the so-called rider trousers.

The fat suction is a rapid and successful method to "let unsightly little paddings which don't fought with long-standing parliamentary allowance and problem zone exercises either have for themselves either disappear". Fat suction is practiced also at male patients. You have as well problem areas, mostly however in other places.

Fat suction isn't a risk free operative operation. It is urgently advisable to go to only physicians which are entitled to cosmetic operations by their specialist training lasting for years. Only the name "plastic surgeon" is protected. It is advisable before to compare physicians and costs.

Different complications can nevertheless appear such as tumescences or hematomas. Even fat embolisms, thromboses, circulatory disorders of or damages to nerves and vessels can at the worst yield.

The fat suction can be carried out in local anesthesia or general anesthesia and last approx. one until three hours depending on body place. The operation can be, ambulatorily or few days of stationary medical treatment, carried out. One should in addition include in his plans three to four sick person days.

Six liters of fat can maximally be siphoned at a medical treatment at general anesthesia. It should be no more than four liters at a local anesthesia. If fat was too much siphoned, greater skin unevennesses can how dents or bumps arise do. The fat suction then must be corrected with another operative operation.

Fat suction is frequently carried out into tumescence regional anesthesia. This is the method of the ambulatory liposuction which is usually used and tested. The word tumescere comes from the Latin and means translates swell up or inflate. At first the fat cells are given relief to with the help of the so-called tumescere solution so that they can break loose from the surrounding tissue. In addition, the means deadens locally the part of the body in question. After 30 to 60 minutes one working time the fat cells are removed with the help of very fine, approx. 3 to 4 mm thin sucking cannulas on a gentle species. There already are very thin, high-frequencily vibrating cannulas which load the body of some since they make a bleeding poor and complete removing fat suction kind to fabrics possible.

After the operation a compression bodice must be laid out. Is advisable to buy these in a one-line store since they fit the bodices individually before, if it shouldn't be contained in the costs of the medical treatment.

Laser liposuction and ultrasound application are part of the more venturesome methods (e.g. danger of burns), because of this they are offered more rarely.

The siphoned fat cells usually don't form after. The number of fat cells is fixed from the beginning with Mesdames approx. 30,000 at men approx. 40,000, they don't increase at renewed increase.

A detailed advice conversation should take place in front of the operation. At this you should pay attention that all questions of the patients are answered. It is recommendable to ask the physician how often it already carried out this operation. A detailed whole body examination is a matter of course at a serious physician in front of the fat suction. Should be cleared in front of the operation, which general anesthesia is used during the operation and how many liters of fat shall be siphoned. One should allow himself time for reflection in front of the operation to weigh up use and risks of the operation at due rest once again.

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