Fat suction at the mount of Venus

It can come to a fat deposit in the mount of Venus area after a weight gain or in the climacterics. Some women also want a rejuvenation, i.e. a reduction of the mount of Venus in their genital area.

The fat is siphoned and perhaps the skin been taut in the medical treatment.

The medical treatment is as a rule carried out in a local anesthesia or in general anesthesia and lasts for one until one and a half hours approximately. The operation is both ambulatorily and with few days stationary stay carried out.

After the operation a compression laundry should be worn about 6 weeks. A renunciation of sexual intercourse is necessary for only one week. Sports can be done again only after about 4 days.

In front of the operation, a thorough advice conversation should take place with the surgeon in which all of the patient's questions are answered. A serious physician informs the patients about possible risks, in addition, he also explains the limits of a medical treatment.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of health-illness.com doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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