Eye song correction

Sleepy eyes with lacrimal sacs express the face. If the first age signs manifest themselves at the eye, only women but also men don't always turn themselves to plastic surgeons once in a while to give their face a fresh phenotype by the eyelid correction.

It was carried out by a good specialist provided, obtains beautiful results the operation.

The incision leadership is carried out at the operation at the natural epicanthus of the top eyelid and scarce below the eyelash limit of the sub-song. Small fine incisions are put. The epidermis is then lifted by the tissue lying under this and the musculature carefully. A surplus fat is removed and the sub-eyelid tightened at lacrimal sacs.

As a rule, the operation is carried out under a local anesthesia or in dusk sleep. The operation lasts for about 1 to 2 hours and one is socially acceptable again after a week. As a rule, the small bruises disappear after a week. Two days after was drawn, one can cover it with make-up the suture. Patients which carry contact lenses should do and carry spectacles without the lenses for a week.

After the operation a cold, wet compress should against tumescences to the eyes depressed and in the open sunglasses be worn. It is advisable to take the sunglasses already to the operation into the clinic. Analgesics which get acelysalicylic acid should be renounced such as aspirin two weeks before the operation and two weeks after since they influence the blood coagulation. Only after expiry of two days sports can be done again. A light burning at the eyes is considered normal.

In front of the operation should a thorough advice conversation take place with the surgeon, in which all questions and expectations of the patients be discussed. A serious physician informs the patients about possible risks and explains the limits of the medical treatment

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