Spooling worm infestation (Askariasis)

Mawworms cause disease symptoms with the man in the larva stage at the respiratory systems. The fully-grown vermises cause stomach intestine troubles.

Mawworms (Ascaris lumbicoides) are worldwide common primarily with children. The mawworm is the greatest threadworm happening with the man (15 to 25 centimeters for a long time). The vermises are sharpened pencil thickly, whitely and at the ends. Sexually mature females live in the small intestine and put up to 200 000 eggs which are eliminated in the stool. After 3-4 weeks they are infectious.

The infection of the man happens orally (about the mouth) by photo of the eggs containing larva. Infection springs are, for example:
  • polluted foods, how raw vegetables or potable water contaminated,
  • fingers polluted with garden earth,
  • Playgrounds (fecal oral prolonged gestation),
  • Foods which were polluted by flying; the insects can transfer spooling helminth eggs of excrement to foods.
A self infection as in the case of pinworms isn't usual.

After the photo of the spooling helminth eggs containing larva the larvae leave in the small intestine cover the egg. You drill through the intestine wall and hike on the blood way about the liver to the lung. They reach the small intestine from there into the smallest lung branching (alveolar capillaries) and about the bronchial system, the trachea and the pharynx by deglutition once again. They settle in the mucosa there, peel repeatedly and grow up to the sexually mature parasite. This phase lasts for approximately two months.

The clinical picture can appear as follows:

During the larva walk it can come to fever with larger quantities. In addition, the larvae cause respiratory troubles, bloody expectoration and cough, at the lung passage.

At a heavy intestine attack diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and spasms are the symptoms. The children are pale and have eye rings. If the attack is only weak, none or only nonspecific symptoms appear.

The diagnosis is made microscopically by identification of spooling helminth eggs in the excrement of the children fallen ill. About 10 to 15 days after the infection visible pulmonary infiltrates can appear also in the x-ray image. The larvae are provably rare in the expectoration. After their death (life span about 1 year) the fully-grown mawworms appear also in the stool. An increase in the eosinophilic leukocytes can be established at a blood test.

Medicines are used with the contents substances mebendazole or Pyrantelembonat to the therapy. Hygienic measures for the interruption of the fecal oral prolonged gestation must be taken up (keep away etc. wash head fertilized vegetables, sand finger at the playground not into the mouth, flying of foods thorough).

It can come to complications at a solid spooling worm infestation. Larger sets of vermises can accumulate to a convolution and lead to the intestinal obstruction (verminous ileus). The vermises can walk and lock these also into the bile ducts. A jaundice is the consequence.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of health-illness.com doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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