Sore throats

Sore throats appear with all children again and again. Cause of the same is an inflamma-tion in the pharynx space. She can be caused by viruses or bacteria. The infections are in the foreground with children among two years with viruses, these are predominantly bac-terial infections particularly by hemolyzing streptococci of the group of A. of the patho-genes of the scarlet fever heard to this in the nursery school and school age. The shoots which cause the sore throats are transferred by droplet and smear infections. It is a symptom of sore throats with babies and infants that they refuse the nutrition. Older children complain about pains in the neck, perhaps have drink troubles and also want to eat nothing.

To find out whether it is an inflammation, you look in a good light (flashlight, writing table lamp) into the neck of the child. Push the tongue with a clean spoon stalk or down wood spatulas or ask the child to stretch the tongue out and to say "Aaaa". The pharynx back wall, palate and suppository as well as the palatine tonsils have red-dened and swollenly at an inflammation. The mucosas are covered perhaps with glassy mucous coatings. Check whether your child also has fevers. In addition, feel both neck sides with the fingers and check whether the glands have swollen. You feel like peas. Sometimes the glandular swelling is visible with a bare eye, too. If the pathogenes of the inflammation are viruses, then this speaks with glassy pale red swollen mucosas at a light till high fever, as a rule. Bacteria cause rather deep red swollen mucosas with greasy coating or purulent stipples. The temperature is increased lightly, a moderate fever is possible.

Consult a physician if the sore throats don't improve within three days. Go physician treating to yours at once with your child if even further symptoms appear particularly if you know that your child had scarlet fever contact (see table below). The doctor will try to find out the cause of the sore throats and perhaps a smear to the causative agent detection make. If necessary, he will prescribe antibiotics. Perhaps he also prescribes lozenges, pharynx spray or throat solutions for disinfecting active substances. Against strong pains and fevers suppositories or a juice comes with the active substance paracetamol exactly (adhere) to respect dosage!for use.

Give your child something to drink much. Teas are recommended with plant extracts, like sage, thyme, ivy or ribwort. You can make the swallowing easier for your child by giving it as much cold drinks or as possible hot lemon. Reduce its food to small pieces. Ice has an effect deadening lightly by its cold and is accepted by the children with pleasure.

Sore throats usually don't appear for themselves but are frequently first symptoms of other illnesses. The following table gives a summary of illnesses which are accompanied by sore throats and are typical infections with children.

Troubles and symptoms Possible illness
· Sore throats:
· running nose
· Sneezing
· perhaps drink troubles
· perhaps cough
· perhaps head and rheumatic pains
· perhaps fever
· Cold
· Influenza; all symptoms are available here and appear very rapidly.
Sore throats:
· Drink troubles
· reddened, swollen and purulent furred tonsils
· Fever
· swollen lymph node at the neck
· Tonsillitis
· Pfeiffer's glandular fever
Sore throats with a tumescence between ear and jaws, fevers Mumps
Sore throats:
· Glandular swelling
· Fever
· fine stained, pin great exanthema, beginning in the strip and under the arms
Scarlet fever
Sore throats:
· possible drink troubles
· possible barking cough
· perhaps hoarseness
· perhaps dyspnea
· perhaps hoarse voice
· Pseudocroup
· Larynx lid inflammation (epiglottitis)

Immediately contact at difficulty in breathing of the child the emergency service!

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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