Rubellas (rubeola)

Rubellas are a viral infection (rubellas virus) caused by droplet infection which usually in the childhood appears. The typical exanthema and the tumescence of lymph nodes in the neck area are the characteristic disease features. Complications are rare at this childhood disease. Rubellas are dangerous if pregnant women fall ill particularly within the first three pregnancy months. The virus can go into the placenta and infects the unborn. 20 to 50 babies come one rubellas infection to the world with resultant damages in Germany every year. A protective vaccination is available against rubellas.

Rubellas are worldwide common. There are around 30,000 to 120,000 cases of this infectious disease in Germany every year. The illness peak lies between the 3rd and 10th years of life. Adults also can fall ill, however. Roughly 80 to 90 per cent of the adults have antibodies.

The causative agent, the rubellas virus, is part of the genus rubivirus of the family of the togaviridae and isn't over-viable outside the human body for a long time. The rubellas virus isn't so infectious such as the vein virus or the whooping cough causative agent (Bordetella pertussis). It % of the unprotected contacts of infected "only" has a kontagionsindex from 0.15 to 0.20, this means this only 15 to 20 fall ill. It is an unusual feature that about 50% of the children fallen ill don't show any symptoms but can set others on fire. You contribute fundamentally to the spreading of the shoot.

The prolonged gestation happens to kisses or sneezing by droplet infection that is for example at the cough.

After experienced illness there is a lifelong immunity. In front of a pregnancy, however, you should have the red chalk titer nevertheless checked!

The incubation period, that is the period of time between infection and the appearance of the first symptoms is 10 to 21 days. The infected ones are infectious already 2 to 4 days before outbreak of the typical exanthema until 10 days after outbreak of the exanthema even if it has already faded.

The clinical picture appears as follows:

The initial cold symptoms are nonspecific. The child has perhaps light fever (38 º C), coughs, common colds, neck, rheumatic pains and a conjunctivitis of the eyes. The lymph nodes in the nape area, behind the ears and perhaps at the lower jaw are painful, swollen peas till bean greatly. They are palpable in the nape like a beading on both sides. The typical exanthema (exanthema) starts behind the ears following a striking flushing. It is a pale red, fine stained, eruption not flowing together. It spreads across the whole body of the face and lasts for approximately 2 to 3 days. The disease is over after approximately a week. It comes women to pains in the finger, hand and knee joints with adults, special.

Go to your physician to have anybody confirm the diagnosis to itself. Call the physician immediately if your child complains about a stiff neck or headaches.

There isn't any special therapy against rubellas. The detection of the rubellas happens about specific IgM antibodies with a blood test. Your physician can antiphlogistic preparations order medicines containing paracetamol, at arthritises against the fever. It will advise you, all pregnant women in your acquaintance, to inform infection of their child about the rubellas.

The following measures should seize you:

  • Isolate her child and keep it away from pregnant women primarily. Take it along in no case for shopping and keep it away from public places.
  • If your child feels fit, then you let it get up quietly.
  • If the fever exceeds 38 º C, you give it an antipyretic agents.
  • There is the risk of infection up to 10 day after outbreak of the eruption. Leave your child at home if possible so long.

Complications are (rare exception at this light infectious disease: Unborn)!

  • An inflammation of the brain is possible at a fallen ill of 6000. These inflammations can go life-threateningly.
  • Arthritises lasting for a long time can appear;
  • The so-called congenital rubella syndrome is most dreaded. Strong organ deformities of the embryo have to be expected at it. The prognosis is particularly bad at an infection within the first three months of the pregnancy. The rubellas viruses of the infected mother reach the child at this illness. More than 60% of the children come with eye damages, deafness, heart malformations (for example not closed cardiac septums) as well as mental damages onto the world. An abortion is therefore permitted one rubellas infected, pregnant woman due to a medical indication in most countries.
A rubellas vaccination is the only reliable opportunity to prevent a congenital rubella syndrome for certain prophylactic. The vaccination is normally recommended to all children (boys and girl) as of the perfect 11th life month. It is an active protective vaccination at which you vaccinate with weakened living viruses. A polyvalent vaccine which also offers protection against veins and mumps is usually used. A second rubellas vaccination should be carried out in the 2nd year of life to guarantee a reliable protection. However, it is possible after the first vaccination also already four weeks.

When lack of red chalk antibodies in the serum of pregnant women there is the possibility of a passive immunization after causative agent contact within the first four days. The protection is, however, questionable. Therefore every woman should your red chalk protection checks already in front of a pregnancy (antibody titer 1:32 is) regarded as protective and can if necessary be vaccinated.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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