Illnesses by tapeworms

The tapeworms are endoparasites and belong to the flatworms. You live in the intestine of the man and have a length of few millimeters till several meters. The design cycle of the tapeworms is marked by a host change. The naming of the individual tapeworms goes by the hosts:
  • Beef tapeworm (Taenia saginata)
  • Pork tapeworm (Taenia solium)
  • Fish tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium latum)
  • Dogs-, cats, fox tapeworm (Echinococcus species)
  • (Hymenolepsis Nana) > is the size named giver dwarf tapeworm here.
The man functions as final host or intermediate host in the design cycle of the tapeworms.

Tapeworms establish themselves in the intestine wall of their final host (man) with their head (Scolex). They have suction cups, sucking fossas or a heel wreath for this task at their head. Many tapeworm segments often follow the head. You are described as proglottids. Hermaphroditic germ layers have the tapeworm segments, this means both female and male germ cells have them. The whole tapeworm represents one individuals binds. The eggs ripen after the fertilization in the vermis. Proglottids which contain ripe eggs break off of the vermis and are eliminated with the stool. These eggs are then taken by an intermediate host. The larvae (oncospheres) slip in the intestine of the intermediate host (RIND, pig, fish) from the eggs.

The larvae drill through the intestine wall and are distributed by the blood circulation in the body. You settle at certain organs (muscles, liver, lung, kidneys, spleen etc.) and train a bladder worm there. By the consumption of the meat containing bladder worm it then comes to the infection of the final host. The bladder worm develops into the tapeworm in the intestine of the final host. The reproduction and final winding cycle starts once more.

One describes the worm infestation as a Taeniasis by the beef tapeworm or the pork tapeworm. The beef tapeworm (life span up to 20 years) becomes 4-10 meters for a long time, the pork tapeworm 2-4 meters. Both species have whitish, mobile proglottids which are eliminated with the helminth eggs in the stool. The vermis extremities are around five to ten millimeters in size and look like noodle piece. The man is the only final host of these tapeworms. The infection is made by raw porks or beef meat containing bladder worm.

First symptoms of the infection are the whitish proglottids in the stool. Disease symptoms are often missing. However, it also comes to unclear abdomen troubles. Both hyperorexia and lack of appetite appears. The children lose weight considerably.

A departure of the vermises can be reached by single gift of Niclosamid. The forecast of the illness is good, it mustn't come to formation of bladder worms, however, in the human body (cysticercosis > at the pork tapeworm). However, this is a very rare event.

Infections have become rarer since the meat inspection. One preventively shouldn't take any pigs or heated up insufficiently beef.

Infections appear primarily in warmer regions with children with the dwarf tapeworm. It is only 2-4 centimeters long and around 1 millimeter wide. The infection is made by polluted nutrition. Drawn through one development time (egg > larva > adultes animal in around 3 weeks) shortens itself the tapeworm. It can come to repeated self infections at bad hygienic conditions. The symptoms are diarrheas or stomach ache. You also can be, however, completely absent. The diagnosis is made with characteristic eggs in the stool. The medical treatment can be carried out with Niclosamid.

The echinococcosis is an infection with larvae of animal pathogenetic tapeworms (Echinococcus species) with which the man represents an intermediate host "not provided actually".

The fully-grown vermises are only 1-6 millimeters long and happen with dogs, cats and foxes. Eggs are taken by herbivores (goat, sheep, RIND). You function as intermediate hosts. Larvae which then change from cadavers on foxes, dogs and cats at the food develop in them. The man is infected by chance by the photo of eggs with animal excrement, for example when stroking infected dogs or cats or at the consumption of wild berries.

The larvae walk into the liver or lung (occasional also into spleen, kidneys, bone and central nervous system). They form there as of encapsulated cysts with daughter cysts, so-called hydatids. The troubles which cause these hydatids depend on their size and the localization. If the cysts burst, then shock reactions threaten. The diagnosis is made by sonography, roentgen examinations and serological tests. The therapy is usually made by a surgical resection of the hydatids. Perhaps a medical treatment lasting for a long time is tried with mebendazole. The prophylaxis consists in boiling or elimination of battle waste and deworming of dogs and cats. > fox tapeworm you let your children stroke no foreign dogs and cats either and they don't consume any unwashed wild berries.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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