
A hordeolum is an abscess (pus accumulation) in the eyelid glands. The infection is caused by bacteria. There are two species of a hordeolum. The sebaceous glands (Zeis glands) or the sweat glands (minor key glands) are inflamed at the so-called hordeolum externum. The hordeolum is visible in the area of the eyelashes or the eyelid border. The so-called meibom glands are concerned at the eyelid inside at the hordeolum internum. This illness isn't just recognizable under circumstances.

The triggers of the illness are usually bacteria, like staphylococci, streptococci rarely. Hordeolums appear repeated at a cut-rate power of resistance. Also diabetics tend to staphylococcus infections of the skin.

The symptoms appear as follows:
At the beginning of the illness the hordeolum manifests itself by reddening the place concerned. Later the eyelid swells up strongly and is pressure sensitive to pain. Sometimes the conjunctiva is inflamed, too. On the swelling of the place concerned forms a yellowish pus pustule, tension feeling can appear. The hordeolum often bursts of alone after some days. Several hordeolums at an eye or at both are possible.

Go at a hordeolum with your child to the physician. There is the danger that the infection can expand on the lacrimal glands and the lacrimal sac.

Your treating physician will state the hordeolum by look diagnosis. He will these prescribe an antibiotic ointment or eye drops for you if necessary, concerned directly at this one locally place be used. In very difficult cases antibiotics taken systemically can be necessary. If the hordeolum shouldn't burst, it can be urgently that you find an ophthalmologist with your child which opens the abscess.

The following measures support the healing process:

  • The medical treatment with a dry heat, like red light, takes the hordeolum more rapidly "blossom".
  • Cool, wet eye compresses soothe the pains.
  • Don't express a hordeolum independently. A renewed infection can arise.
  • A hordeolum can want to transfer the other eye by smear infections from one. An utmost hygiene is therefore important.
In very rare cases it can come to the complications of an eyelid abscess or an inflammation of the eyeball.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of health-illness.com doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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