Eye illnesses

The inflammations of different eye structures belong to the acute eye illnesses with children. The conjunctivitis (conjunctivitis) is the most frequent illness. This one pri-marily appears at infants or but also a hordeolum abscess in the eyelid glands, the inflammation of the lacrimal sac (dacryocystitis), infectious eye illnesses to be found once in a while with children are a balmy border inflammation (blepharitis). Foreign bodies (for example sand, branches, thorns) in the eye which can draw seri-ous injuries after themselves as well as chemical burns with acids and bases require immediate action. Also blunt injuries of the eyeball happen for example if a tennis ball meets the eye.

Not "acute" eye diseases also are pointed to in this place. The eye isn't a sense or-gan which is completed from birth in due its functionality. Certain abilities, such as the three-dimensional vision, are rather developed only in the first years of life. How ametropias stretch, -(hyperopia), short-(myopia), astigmatism (astigmatism) or squint (strabismus), be able to do, impair the "out maturation" of the full functionality of the vision unrecognizedly.

There are also further eye illnesses children already suffer from from birth. So an ill-ness of the mother can lead to a cataract (cataract, gray cataract) or at a toxoplas-mosis infection to retina changes during the pregnancy, for example with rubellas. With oxygen which gives artificial respiration, unripe newborn child must be, you en-danger to get an early born retinopathy. Early forms of this retina change can be given therapy to.

A check-up at the ophthalmologist already in the baby or infancy can give certainty about the eye health! The ophthalmologist can not only eye illnesses diagnose but illnesses in the childhood also other. The metabolic disease diabetes can lead to changes of the eyeground, an iris inflammation can be a sign of a childlike rheuma-tism. Recognized at full term many eye illnesses can be treated successfully.

To the better understanding of the following illnesses an explanation is carried out to the construction of this sense organ here. The eye is one prayed into the osseous orbit and is from the eyeball, the six ocular muscles, the eyelids with eyelashes and the lacrimal glands.

The eyeball consists of three layers: The white dermis (sclera) which changes into the transparent cornea in front lies on the outside. The middle layer consists of the iris (Iris) and the vessel rich choroid. The internal layer is the retina. The transforma-tion of the light stimuli takes place in it into nervous impulses. Your specific sensory cells (rods, suppository) make the bright, darkness and color vision possible. The anterior chamber is between the cornea and the iris or lens. It contains aqueous hu-mor.

A hole drops the light in the eyeball in the retina, the pupil, in front. It is a central, round, mobile opening of the iris whose pigment content the color of eyes deter-mines. The light beams reach the cornea and the pupil on the lens. It bundles the light beams and therefore provides a sharp image on the retina (retina). The light stimuli are changed into nervous impulses in the retina which reach the brain about the optic nerves to the visual center. The transparent vitreous body is between lens and retina. It fills out 2/3 of the eyeball, its consistence is jelly-like.

The main task of the eyelids which are lined inside with conjunctiva and are the eye-lashes at whose ends is the protection of the eyeball. The blink reflex starts at inci-dent foreign bodies or strong blinding. The eyelids take care with their involuntary, regular blink that the tear fluid is distributed and keeps it so wet uniformly about the eyeball. The tear fluid is produced in the lacrimal glands which sit in the upper exter-nal canthus. The tears collect in the internal canthus. Be be (Puncti lacrimales) taken and (Canalis communis) escorted by the tear small pipes (canaliculuses lacrimali) after the uniting to a common canal into the lacrimal sac about the tear dots. A tear nose gait (duct nasolacrimalis) which ends into the nasal cavity below the lower nasal concha sits at the lower end.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of health-illness.com doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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