The fertilization > life arises

Around 200 to 400 million sperm cells are located in the ejaculation (ejaculate). Their number on 150 to 700. reduces itself on their way to the oviduct. The approximately 20 centimeters long way through the cervical mucus and the womb (uterus) into the oviducts (tubas) put the around 0.05 millimeters be enough and mobile spermiums into for two hours back. Until the sperm cells have reached the oviducts, they go through several biochemical reorganisation trials which are necessary for the later fertilization. This is called capacitation. They then have the chance in the oviduct to meet a fertilization capable ovum. Only a sperm cell manages to penetrate into the ovum by the envelope. The wall of the ovum then gets impermeable for other spermiums. Within the next 24 hours it comes to the nuclear fusion of the two sexual cells. This moment is the fertilization. The genetic traitses of man and woman unite. A new independent nature arises from the new combination of the parental genetic traitses. If the ovum isn't stimulated, then the yellow body develops back within the next 10 to 11 days. The back formed yellow body forms no more progesterone either. This leads to the monthly menstruation. At the end of the monthly rule primary follicles start again to mature and the cycle starts once more.

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