Symptom of a pregnancy

Many women notice some symptoms already in the early pregnancy at their body. You are called to come out by the hormonal rearrangements. If a woman is very body-conscious, then she notices already before the non-appearance of the next rule that something changes in her body. The first symptoms of a pregnancy can vary from woman to woman and also from pregnancy to pregnancy.

Many women notice an intense ache in the mammas already shortly after the fertilization. They get bigger and bigger in the course of the pregnancy.

After non-appearance of the rule the best known symptom of an early pregnancy usually appears: the morning nausea. It improves in the course of the day. With a progressive pregnancy it often completely loses itself. However, it also passes the whole pregnancy about or appears in the pregnancy only much later with some women.

Many smells can be not borne any more or prepare nausea. Vaporizations of semi-luxury items like cigarette smoke or the smell of coffee are, often no longer from durable for the nascent mother. The female body protects itself against these substances instinctively. The smells found unpleasant in the pregnancy can be (sir aftershave lotion, fishy smell, smell oils and much more) very variously and been different individually.

The taste also changes. Many women discover completely new eating desires, such as the famous acid cucumbers. On the other hand the thought on a piece of meat or already the purchase can trigger nausea at a butcher's.

Another symptom of a pregnancy being able to be circulatory disorders in the form of dizziness or tinnitus.

Some women suffer from a strong acne now or have the most beautiful skin of their life. The skin phenotype can be completely different with a woman in several pregnancies.

Belong to the unpleasant concomitants of a pregnancy often amplified urgency and/or bowel movement aggravated.

The nipples and the vulva change color more darkly. A stronger blood flow is responsible for it.

Women whom their fertile days after the basal body temperature charting have found out recognize permanent higher core temperature the pregnancy ( longer than 14 day ) by it.

Many women feel tired and leached out now, too.

Psychic changes accompany her perhaps during the whole pregnancy. You often react irritatedly and more strongly emotionally.

Only a pregnancy test gives the certainty about a pregnancy at long last, however. Already on the first day after non-appearance of the expected period it delivers reliable results. These tests are available in drugstore markets or pharmacies and can be carried out at home. The human chorionic gonadotrophin is proved.

An ultrasound scan with a physician or a woman doctor gives reliably information about an existing pregnancy after non-appearance of the period as of the 7th day. A small fluid filled bladder, the fetus cavity, is recognizable on the ultrasonogram now. At the gynecological examination one can given relief os uteri discolored blowing bluishly be diagnosed. The womb is extended and given relief lightly.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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