Summary of a possible expiry of a child wish medical treatment

  • The gynecologist/or the urologist also refers the pair to a special practice for child wish medical treatments or a center for reproduction medicine into. The reproduction medicine is the branch of the medicine which deals with the reproduction and the reproduction problems.
  • First, a comprehensive first conversation is held with the pair. Personal data are found out. The conversation contains the following broader topics like pre-illnesses of one's own, way of life, pre-illnesses in the family, previous pregnancies, previous examinations, medical treatments, partnership and and sexuality as well as psychological aspects. Due to the data found out references to the possible reasons for the unfulfilled child wish (link) can already be found.
  • The diagnostics can start. Sometimes extensive examinations are necessary. First, the hormone state is usually of two partners found out. Depending on results examinations are carried out with Mrs (e.g. oviduct Prüfung, laparoscopy) and at the man. His ejaculate is examined for the quality of the spermiums.
  • The results becoming now discussed and one another procedure discussed. If an artificial insemination is necessary to get pregnant for example if both oviducts are damaged irreversibly, then a treatment plan is worked out.
  • The ovaries of the patient are stimulated hormonally at an artificial insemination to get as many follicles as possible with ovums. The sperm of the man is processed in the laboratory to concentrate the vital spermiums. The cause was the so-called insemination for example a problem at the follicular maturation or the ovulation is carried out after a "moderate" hormone stimulation of the ovaries (if possible only a follicle ripens) for the previous sterility
  • This is the assignment of the prepared sperm cells into the womb.
  • Be then carried out, if the existing results make an artificial fertilization (fertilization in the test tube) necessary, after the stimulation of the ovaries, the ovum extraction from the follicles of Mrs. It the in vitro fertilization follows that means male and female germ cells are grown in the test tube. One hopes for a fertilization. Spermiums in the ejaculate must lack the sperm cells only directly from the testicles or epididymises are won. One injects a single spermium into the ovum to be stimulated in these cases and at a very poor semen quality.
  • Up to three stimulated ovums are into the womb (intrauterine) or into the oviduct (intratubally) with the help of a fine flexible catheter transfers. One also calls this process embryo transfer.
  • Perhaps the luteal phase following now is stabilized and supervised by further hormone gifts.
  • After a positive pregnancy test and verify of the pregnancy by ultrasound the moving transfer of the patient to the gynecologist or the gynecologist is carried out.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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