The prophylaxis asthma bronchial

1) stimulus protection of the hyperreagible bronchial system:
  • Allergen abstentio
  • Adjusting smoking
  • Avoiding dust, (professional), of cold air, fog
  • Infection prophylaxis/-prevention
  • Vaccination against pneumococcen and influenza virus
  • Avoiding an exaggerated physical effort (danger of an exercise-induced asthma)
  • Avoiding stress
2) prevention of atopy at infants:
  • no domestic animals
  • Renunciation of smoking
  • within the first 6 life months exclusive nutrition with mother's milk, at this renunciation of the mother of potential allergens: Cow milk, hen's eggs, fish, peanuts
3) medicines attack triggering no application potentially:
  • Acetylsalicylic acid (e.g. aspirin, ASA) at an individual incompatibility
  • Betablocker
4) immunotherapy
  • Hyposensitization

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