
Symptoms and findings in the acute asthma attack

Asthmatic troubles can be restricted to certain seasons (e.g. at a seasonal hay fever), without assignment to certain seasons appear or are year-roundly.

Pathognomonic symptom is -- (breathe out) the amount wise appearing dyspnea with expiratoric stridor (rhonchus, whistles) and expirium prolonged.

The asthmatic coughs itself tormenting irritation of the throat (early symptom a hyperreagiblen bronchial system) in its attack -- ", the bronchitic coughs itself out "!

- expectoration of a tough, glassy mucus

Patient sits in the attack uprightly, supports itself with arms, takes the breath help musculature to the help --

- tachycardia/strong palpitation and heart lawn by blood pressure drop when breathing in

- perhaps blue lips

- sputum (saliva): scanty, tough, glassy (at infection asthma discoloured perhaps greenish yellowishly)

There in addition still are many other troubles, these e.g. pruritus into ears and mouth space, headaches, tiredness, exhaustion, sensitiveness, can hesitate strongly from patient to patient.


1) physical examination
- bug: dry rales (rhonchus, grumble, purr). One can hear hardly anything -- at an extreme spasticity with over-flatulence of the lung ("silent chest")

- percussion: hypersonorous, dull percussion sound

2) laboratory
Eosinophilia into blood and sputum = reference to an allergic inflammation

- IgE, increase at the allergic asthma

- perhaps leukocytosis, ESR ­, CRP ­

3) ECG
- sinus tachycardia

- possible signs of a right heart load: P pulmonary, turn to the right of the cardiac axis

4) roentgen of thorax
Increases radiate banners lung with inferior diaphragm and narrow heart silhouette --

5) lung function
FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in the 1st second) reduces -- since airway resistance increases

- detection of a reversibility of the obstruction in the broncholysetest: The FEV1 rose by at least 20% after inhalation of a Beta2 agonist

-PEF (expiratory tip flow) reduces

- at minted obstruction reduction of the vital capacity at increased residual volume because of "Air trapping" (air tied up intrathoracically) and moving of the breath mid-position to the inspiration to

- increased breath resistance

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