4 steps therapy score

4 step therapy score (German respiratory systems league 1998):

I. intermittent asthma:
duration medication: no
need medication: short effective beta 2-mimeticum

II . mild asthma:
duration medication: Inhalation of topical steroids in a low dose alternative: cromoglycic acid (DNCG), nedocromil (Further development of DNCG) need medication: short effective beta 2-sympathomimetikum (perhaps into combination with anticholinergic)

III. medium asthma:
-duration medication: beta 2-Sympathomimetika
+ long inhalation of topical steroids in a middle dosage
+ theophylline (oral, retarded) possible +Leukotrienantagonisten
-need medication: short effective beta 2-Sympathomimetikum, (perhaps into combination with anticholinergic

IV . heavy asthma:
-duration medication: beta 2-sympathomimetika
+ long inhalation of topical steroids in a high dosage
+ theophylline (oral, retarded)
+, oral glucocorticoide
-need medication: short effective beta 2-sympathomimetikum (perhaps into combination with anticholinergic)

Objective of the medical treatment isn't the maximization of the monotherapy but an optimization by the combination therapy! At an acute aggravation one must go in the step score up, after results recovery quickly one therapy reduction should be, however, slowly and carefully carried out! The patient training is patient part of the optimization of the therapy and this one self measurement with a simple Peak-Flow gauge. Through this the individual cirkadiane course of the troubles found out and so the dose intervals can be adapted (e.g. often increase of the obstruction in the early morning hours).

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of health-illness.com doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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