
Synonymous: "specific immunotherapy"


The physician will in some cases suggest a hyposensitization of allergies. At present, the hyposensitization or desensitization which also is described as an immunotherapy or allergy vaccination is the only approved form of treatment which attaches to the cause of the allergy. The person suffering from an allergy gets a certain set of "his" pollen allergen which triggers the allergic reaction the pollen under a medical supervision more than at least three years splashed, around he toward immune make in dose rising gradually under the skin. So the body is slowly, on which it about reacted, used to the actually harmless substances (allergens). Antibodies which shall protect the organism from the allergen are formed by the IgG type. At present, different procedures stand by the execution for a hyposensitization at the disposal:
  • Classic hyposensitization Injections for all allergy shapes mentioned above, year-round in regular distances more than 3 to 5 years.
  • Short time hyposensitization Injections against hay fever: 7, injections only always reconciles months before the pollen flying time more than 3 to 5 years.
  • Sublingual hyposensitization Watery allergen condensed extracts offered this one brought under the tongue (sublingual) will be taken by the tongue mucosa meanwhile. You are therefore particularly suitable for children. The effectiveness still isn't shown adequately in comparison with the injections, though. Success chances
Particularly good successes are achieved with the immunotherapy:
Allergies against pollen (hay fever) 90%
Allergies against house dust mites 70-90 %
Allergies against certain food and 80%
Allergies against insect stings 95 %

Furthermore the immunotherapy is also very successful if it is used in the early phase of an allergy that is with children and allergies appeared for the first time in the adulthood.

taking into account:
  • It is valid, that the therapy still should be continued out of a year about symptom liberty.
  • The patient still should remain at least 30 minutes after the injection of the substance in the doctor's office so that the physician can immediately do first aid at side reactions appearing perhaps. Such reactions can be harmless: Tumescence, pruritus in the puncture place, flowing common cold, eye tears or pruritus going at palms of the hand, soles of the foot or under the tongue or more or less intense: Air need, irritation of the throat, respiratory troubles, weakness feeling, malaise, circulation problems.
  • After every syringe larger efforts and circulation loads should be avoided for several hours.
  • Alcohol and opulent meals have as well to be avoided after the injections.
  • Medicine intake should be carried out only after arrangement with the physician

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