Cytotoxic type

Type 2: Allergies of the cytotoxic type:

At the second form of the allergic reaction the cells are damaged themselves. Therefore she is also called cytotoxic reaction (cell = zyto, toxically= poisonously). At this reaction specific antibodies get bound directly to the surface of endogenous cells. By this process the endogenous cell has become even an antigen which must be fought. The IgG and IgM antibodies take a key position. You combine with the from outside substance which lies on the body cell. In addition, the complement system is activated, part of the non-specific immune defense. It consists dissolve of different plasma proteins (egg-white cloths in the blood plasma) which attacks body strange egg-white and sucked, cell walls. Eating cells here curls. It therefore comes to the cytolysis of endogenous cells and to the inflammation reinforcements at this allergic reaction. The results of this cell destroying activity can be various: Anaemias (anemia), blistering of the skin, signpost underactivity of the glands or solid lung bleeding (Goodpasture syndrome).

Typical illnesses of the type 2 are and others:
A carries antibodies for haemolytic transfusion, incidents for rhesus incompatibility with newborn childs, autoimmune haemolytic anaemias, Myasthenia grave, accents agranulozytosis, blood group incompatibility (against blood group B for blood group into himself and the other way round.

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