Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is part of the group of the water-soluble vitamins. Thiamine is a component of the central nervous system, involved in the stimulus prolonged gestation and nerve excitability. Thiamine as a coenzyme happens in the fat substance and carbohydrate climacteric and contributes at the control of the energy balance. An extremely heat and photosensitive vitamin is, therefore it is recommendably dark and cool to be stored.

Vitamin B1 happens primarily whole grain wheat and rye into rice, grain. However, good energy suppliers are also pork, liver, fish, legumes and yeast products like beer.

Deficiency symptoms can cause heart and circulatory failure, neuritises, muscle weakness, paralyses, spasms, lack of appetite, depressions and lack of concentration. In the extreme case the deficiency can say to beriberi.

Daily requirement should - be 1.3 mg between 1.0.

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