
Vanadium is part of the group of the minerals. It is an important trace element must since it, however, cannot be produced by the human body be taken with the nutrition. The body contains approx. 100 micrograms of vanadium which are stored in the kidneys, bone, in the liver and spleen. One finds this mineral in vegetable foods particularly in oils mostly. The main suppliers are vegetable oils, gelatin, legumes, olives, dill, nuts, oysters, radish and full value grains U vanadium are is but no-one essential trace element, however imperative for the bone and cell growth.

In addition, it plays a role, in the fat and cholesterol metabolism and supports enzymes in the organism in their function in the tooth formation. It has to be accepted that an increased need for vanadium have athletes and diabetics. Deficiency symptoms were noticed in vanadium in the human body only with animals only rarely. A vanadium deficiency presumably leads to the reduction in the blood fat mirror to tiredness and dizziness feelings. An over-dosage causes disturbances in the stomach intestine tract. The vanadium dust in the metal industry can cause contact eczemas and lung damages.

The minimum need is after estimates between 15-30 µ g.

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