Therapy possibilities

Gives numerous therapy possibilities to be able to reduce by the overweight. An important prerequisite is motivation and willingness to cooperate of the patients. It must be first reminded of that they have at all a weight problem. The patient must accept it and work on itself actively. To avoid subsequent illnesses, the person affected should (calculate BMI) with a BMI 30 or more try to reduce his body weight by appropriate measures. A light overweight with a BMI between 25-29,9 is only then in need of treatment if the patient through this to subsequent illnesses as or diabetes among others or under a strong psychosocial pressure suffers mellitus.

One should obtain a weight reduction over a longer time period to this avoid "Jojo effect" and the physical damages.

The most important therapy possibilities are:
  • Parliamentary allowance
  • Behavior therapy
  • Physical motion
  • Medicinal therapy
  • Operative therapy

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