
Silicon is part of the group of the minerals. It is an important trace element and particularly often happens in the nature. It is the second most frequent element of the earth's crust. Despite everything it is noted with its essential quality only since approx. 30 years for the health. One finds silicon in our environment in the silica in many crystals, silicate connections or as a quartz.

This trace element fulfills important functions in the human body for the structure of connective tissue, skin, cartilage and bone. One finds silicon in vegetable foods mostly. Main suppliers are grains (oat, millet, barley), potatoes, parsley, cauliflower, spinach, grapes, peppers among others deficiency symptoms are alopecia, brittle nails, sinking skin elasticity or osteoporosis.

An over-dosage can lead to poisonings. There are discrepancies with respect to the daily requirement to silicon: 5-40 mg.

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