
Roughages are part of the group of the accompanying substances. You are important components of the nutrition. The human digestion system can only partly dismantle the roughages. Quite a number of carbohydrates like the indigestible polysacharide are part of this group. You can be taken only exclusively with a vegetable nutrition. You never happen one by one, they are components of vegetable cells. Roughages deliver few calories and don't have any caloric value, are but a very important one to purify digestion help but also help.

You are divided up into two groups:

water soluble roughages water insoluble roughages The soluble roughages help at the prevention of myocardial infarction, gallstones, arterial calcification and lower the blood fat values and others

The insoluble roughages contribute in the stomach intestine tract to activate the peristalsis. Whole grain and cereal products like spelt, wheat, corn, vegetables, salad, fruit and dry fruit, are the main suppliers.

The roughages have a satiety effect which an important role can play at the overweight. Kick a satiety feeling require such a food chew a longer than at a normal food, earlier through what a less calorie photo can be made possible. The minimum need is approx. 30 g.

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