Nutrition therapy

To be able to decrease healthily, one must first instead of keeping parliamentary allowance which changes nutrition habituations. One should try to develop an eating behavior which can be adhered to also for duration. Eating should happen really only if one is hunger and the body signals this and not out of frustration or as a reward. One may eat everything which one feels like but the proportions have to be correct and the crowd conditions have to be adhered to. Fluids and vegetables should be in first place. The human body needs 1.5 to 2 liters of fluids on the day. Drinks sweetened at the best water, mineral water, different teas and if possible no-one or some like Coke or lemonade. Vegetables and fruit are few calories richly deliver at vitamins, burden and minerals, however. However, it has to be respected absolutely, that vegetables or cereal products not be fat prepared like rice or potatoes much but at the best one simmered only briefly or as juice. Carbohydrate empires food like cereal products, potatoes, rice, noodle or bread deliver much energy and essential nutrients. Yoghurt, cheese, milk and others dairy products serve as an important calcium spring. You provide the body with egg-white. Meat and fish don't have to be renounced either but it shouldn't be the main course. Candy and foods with a high fat content aren't forbidden, however, should be enjoyed in small quantities.

It is urgent to warn against lightning parliamentary allowance. Although one reaches a weight reduction in shortest time because the accumulated body water increased is eliminated. Weight gain, however, the fat reserves of the body are attacked only when fasting for a long time, one reaches only a reduction of the valuable muscle mass and water loss of the body, through what becomes the basal metabolic rate and a renewed one so preprogramed is. This is the so-called yo-yo effect.

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