
Niacin is the water-soluble vitamins part of the group. However, it a part also is the vitamin group B, the so-called vitamin B3 . niacin happens in many foods, can be formed by the body also from tryptophan, however. It happens NADP (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotid phosphate) and NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotid), in vegetable foods in the form of nicotinic acid in animal foods in the form of nicotinamide and coenzymes. Niacin plays a central role in the fat, carbohydrate and proteometabolism. It is immune opposite light, oxygen and heat.

One finds niacin meat, liver, fish, rice, potatoes and brewer's yeast in whole grain products, peanuts. A deficiency can cause sleep and memory disturbances, depressive, diarrhea, dementia, skin and mucosa changes (Pellagra).

Minimum need is 17 mg.

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