
Carbohydrates are basic nutrition substances, form the principal ingredient of our nutrition. You are important energy suppliers of the body and come in the foods as sugar, power or cellulose. You arise from a vegetable photosynthesis from carbon dioxide and water with bonus of oxygen. Body himself sugar, power and cellulose have different chemical qualities which is only common essential, i.e. they aren't the relationship in their molecules between hydrogen and oxygen atom 2:1st carbohydrates like egg-white of this can not produced be. The energy content of 1 gram of carbohydrate is approx. 17.2 kJ. One should depending on the body weight 5 take gram per kg minimumly.

After number of sugar constituents one distinguishes between simple, double and multiple sugar.

Simple sugar (Monosaccharide)

Glucose or also dextrose
Fructose (fruit sugar)
Galactose (mucus sugar)
Ribose (part of the RNA)
Desoxyribose (part of the DNA)

One finds simple sugar e.g. into fruit, candy or honey.

Double sugar (Disaccharide)

Sucrose (beet sugar or cane sugar)
Lactose (lactose)
Maltose (malt sugar)

One finds double sugar e.g. into beer or household sugar.

Multiple sugar (polysaccharide)


One finds multiple sugar potatoes e.g. in whole grain cereal products and legumes, reis.

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