Behavior therapy

Learning is "the help to the self-help" the motto of the behavior therapy. It helps the persons affected determined habits, to change like e.g. the eating behavior.

A weight reduction only by calorie restriction isn't possible in the long run. After a short-term take-off by parliamentary allowance a stronger weight gain often takes place, the so-called yo-yo effect. To keep the body weight stably, one must carry out durable behavior changes. It is undisputedly very difficult to change the nutrition behaviors impressed since the childhood. Relapses into old behavior patterns are very frequent. It wasn't cleared obviously yet, how long one needs to be able these realize new behaviors into habituations without a conscious control. In the worst case it can, however, last for years.

Even if a cognitive change is reached and the new behavior goes off automatically, it can come to relapses. Stress, financial worries partnership conflicts or problems at work can lead to the return's too old behavior in turn what can cause weight gain. Aim of the behavior therapy is connecting the changed habits with a durable weight reduction.

Place a rapid and a quiet and slow eating should, hectic Essen, be obtained. By a rapid eating one achieves a satiety feeling only then if one has taken more nutrition than necessary for himself.

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