
One calls looking secretly at other persons for the purpose of a sexual excitement voyeurism. The voyeurs prefer places where the people undress mostly a different one by windows as nudism areas, beaches, seas, watch sauna or them. They can watch the sexual organs of the persons concerned here longer. You are fascinated by the nakedness and excited. Mostly, the sexual excitement then ends with masturbation shortly after this if possible if the circumstances don't permit it.

The voyeurs don't want to admit their identity, are disguised mostly. This secretive behavior or hide-and-coop is just the stimulus. There are numerous possibilities of watching one's activities for the others in the modern society: You can go to swinger clubs, peepshows or streaptease bars or simply look at sex magazines, images and blue movies.

Some regard voyeurism as a disease as a species of the personality disorder. Mostly, it is the case with persons who can satisfy themselves only in such a way. You are harmless mostly, get violent very rarely. As long as none mean danger to them for the public, it isn't punished either. However, one can get trouble very rapidly if one watches the activities of others moving or in the loveplay unwantedly.

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