
People who are described as a swinger can be single or live in a partnership, however, care for sexual contacts by reciprocal consent also with other partners. You meet either privately or in a so-called swinger club.

Spaces been different with a "playing field" for the practice, where sexual practice such a club has a bar area mostly and more the pairs, single women or men can enter into contact. Some clubs are saunas, swimming pools and whirlpool baths equipped. Everybody can decide whether it as active or as a passive partner wants to take part in the "game".

As an active partner there are numerous possibilities:
One can for example take part in a group sex or the pairs can make a partner-swopping. Some want not the slightest partner-swopping, would like to be watched only of other. However, there also are single persons or pairs these don't want a sex themselves but would like to be only spectators. Everything is permitted, only the reciprocal consent of the participants is important. The swinger clubs value it, that the rules of the game are observed and everybody feels well much. Everybody has to want to accept the wish of the different one. One can either make this visit quite anonymous and only meet foreign parts or depending on wish acquaintances can arrange an appointment also there.

The admission for women is free mostly, a little more pay pairs but must grip the individual men into the pocket most deeply. The private meetings take place at seas, in nudism areas, on parking lots or in saunas etc. mostly.


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