
The masturbation is a species of the sexual practices which nowadays is always practiced once in a while. Men begin as women thus but a little earlier. The number of men which regularly satisfy themselves reaches almost the 100%, it is with women between 80-85 %.

In the past, self gratification, autoeroticism or masturbation were a taboo topic, more and more people talk frankly about it today. It isn't only for singles but also can be a money-making for a partner relation. People who have a filled sex life nevertheless practice them.

There are different techniques of the masturbation, everything is permitted which fun does. Many have but because of fear of being watched or "caught" by somebody of it they try to bring this everything behind themselves as rapidly as possible. So can an unpleasant pressure arise and be the orgasm prevented. Therefore you create a quiet and eased atmosphere. Many use the hands and finger, there are however numerous devices like vibrators, rubber dolls etc..

Physical damages like spinal cord wasting, cerebral softening, leprosy, cancer etc. unlike what was suspected earlier, are excluded by masturbation. However, sexually transmissible diseases can arise from lacking hygiene.

The masturbation can be agreeable both on the soul and on the body to today's stand of science.


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