
The word petting is derived and meant from the English "to PET" neck, cuddle, caress or stroke. Petting is a similar sexual method like Necking, not only the upper part of the body touched but the whole body becomes here, however. The sexual organs may be stimulated, only the penetration is forbidden. Otherwise it is but everything permits what both partners find full of relish. It also can come to the manual sexual intercourse by a finger being introduced to the sheath. Some go up to the orgasm, some want to find out only the body of the partner. Petting particularly often is of juvenile practices, mostly then if they haven't behind himself their "first time" yet. For older people who can perform no more sexual intercourse because of physical handicaps petting also can be a substitute.

Advantages are that one can do without the prophylaxis, no fertilization takes place it is it comes to the sexual intercourse anyway, then or a fresh sperm is introduced to the sheath with a finger. It doesn't often happen, however, can happen that by petting sexually transmitted diseases are transferred. By a small injury one can get in contact with an infected blood, sheath fluid or sperm.


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