
Masturbation is also a species of the sexual practices like autoeroticism or masturbation. It is a sexual masturbation how certain places of the body like the sexual organs or other erogenous zones through stroke with hands, of their own fingers or devices, caress or kisses stimulated, or satisfied be. Vibrators, synthetic dolls, are the most popular sailor brides etc. device used, men and women it was a taboo topic but always more nowadays masturbate. Mostly, it begins, at the men at the women rather at the beginning of the twentieth year of life already in the adolescence. Masturbation is no replacement for sex with a partner but a terrific completion of the loveplay. It is also practiced by people who sexually are also very content.

Masturbation wasn't as natural as nowadays in front of approx. one hundred years. Masturbation was considered a disgrace at that time and was punished particularly with children such as with bandaging the genitals or Figging. Today, and this one is physicians and psychologists about this some, that no cerebral softening, cancer, leprosy, spinal cord trash or other diseases can the masturbation cause but quite the reverse agreeable both on the soul, however, body can have an effect.


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