
Fetishism of Lat. facticius is the admiration of different objects, actions or body features for the purpose of a sexual excitement. The attraction usually doesn't start out from the complete person but, mostly, it only is personal characteristics or certain parts of the body of head to foot. It can be a mother's mark just the same as well as the preference to thick or slim, fair-haired or black-haired etc..

The fetishism is described as a sexual disturbance in the psychology and psychiatry. He often is based on a sexual feeling of inferiority. Assumes that the fetishists carry a conflict into itself which is unsolved and colored possibly sexually with an in the past very important reference person to the psychology. This person can have been the mother or another woman. It isn't all fetishists this one like for example the color red or blue and often wear these colors. Or belonging to religions where objects are admired as in the case of the Buddhism to the fetishism? The answer to this question lies in the limits.

What can serve as a fetish?

A fetish can be a car, power or money for example. In the sexual area laundry pieces, diapers, are pacifiers, shoes, foots, mammas, aprons, raincoats and uniform very much spreads. In the reason taken, however, all objects can serve as a fetish. In certain mind all people have fetischistische tendencies. It dangerously only is when this tendency gets anancastic, for the general public represents a danger and is connected to violence. Such a danger can be an inclination to the sexual excitement by amputation or crippling for example. This problem happens rare, however, can go on the whole that the fetishist doesn't have himself in the maneuver any more and can't be cured without professional medical and psychological help and care. For a relation the fetishism only then works negatively, if the fetishist has only the fetish in front of eyes and completely disregards the real partner. So the partner feels unnoticed, neglected and unpopular.



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