
Autoeroticism is a certain species of the sexual practices like masturbation. This sexual variety is also a masturbation which is practiced alone or in taking part passively the partner to reach the orgasm. The body of one's own is found out by cuddles or caresses with the hands of its own or fingers and the erogenous zones are stimulated. One can but different devices for women: Vibrators and men: Using love dolls or sailor brides.

In the past, it was an absolute taboo topic, nowadays it is practiced almost of 95% of the men and approx. 80% of the women. It particularly often happens with teenagers, these still in front of hers " first " want to stand and to gain sexual experiences. The autoeroticism normally doesn't mean any danger for the partnership but an ideal supplement is. One can consider it a part of the loveplay. However, it isn't natural for everybody to this day to perform the masturbation in front of the partner. If your partner should have a problem with that, you ask her/him about it absolutely.

As early one "gets" spinal cord malacia of this medical doubt is completely impossible. Many doctors and psychologists are some, that about this the autoeroticism plays an important role for the body and for the soul.


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