
A sexual method is in which the erected penis is introduced to the Anus of the sex partner the anal sex also called anal coitus. It is a taboo topic for some to this day, others find it as an act of the highest confidence in the sex partner. For many men but also for many women their Anus is the most erogenous zone at all. One is extra an additional touch by the tongue or the finger the stimulation for many. Anal sex is how often not practices assumed only of homosexual but also of heterosexual.

How anal sex is practiced?

The lower exit of the digestion tract is steered by a sphincter. This exit of the so-called Anus is usually opened only at the bowel movement. To be able to penetrate from the outside, a little pressure must be used. Since neither intestine nor Cowper's glands produce natural fluids, it is recommendable to use a lubricant. Introducing the penis must happen very slowly to avoid injuries of the sensitive intestine area. One should certainly use a particularly stable condom since the intestinal mucosa isn't to bear the frottages and can it so easily interpreted to bleedings and/or injuries come. To not damage the condom, one must use a lubricant on water base. This sexual method requires much patience and empathy. With an additional clitoris stimulation one can reach a satisfactory result for the two partners. However, it is very important to pay attention to the hygiene. No-one may if after anal sex the penis without condom climacterics or thorough cleaning is introduced in the sheath because the danger of infection is too big. By anal traffic sexually transmissible diseases like AIDS or hepatitis can be transferred lightly.


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