Sterilization of the man or vasectomy

The sterilization is a definite prophylaxis method. It is carried out both with women and at men. The sterilization of the man also is called vasectomy.

The sterilization is a small operative operation which a urologist ambulatorily as a rule carries out in a local anesthesia. During the operation the spermatic cords are separated and the two ends taken off.

The operation isn't a castration, the testicles aren't damaged, furthermore they produce sex hormones. The orgasm ability and power of the man aren't impaired by the operation. The set of the seminal fluid doesn't change noticeable either.

Approximately half a year still can the procreative capacity continue to exist after the operation. Fertilization capable spermiums still stay behind in the spermatic ducts and in the prostate. The sterility is confirmed by the urologist after several semen tests. One must prevent until this time as usual.

As a rule, a sterilization is irreversible, because of this this step must be thought over thoroughly before. It is suitable for men which there is no more child wish this method.

A very sure method is the sterilization, it nevertheless doesn't offer 100% protection. Despite sterilization some men got fertile again. Sterilized men therefore should after the operation every year with the urologist turn up for the check-up.

The Pearl index of the vasectomy is 0,3.


One doesn't have to take care of the prophylaxis any more.


Required the sterilization is irreversibly a definite decision, it the sterilization doesn't protect from sexually transmissible diseases.

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