The condom

The condom is the only prophylaxis method for the man. It also is called condom, rubber or Parisian. The condom prevents that the semens reach and stimulate the egg. The condom is the most popular prophylaxis method in Germany after the anti baby pill.

Condoms are one of the oldest known contraceptives. These were produced from sheep and goat intestines first. Nowadays condoms are formed from nature caoutchouc latex. There are latex free condoms for people suffering from an allergy of polyurethane. Condoms are tearproofly, elastically and approximately thinner than the human skin six times. The condom is a reliable prophylaxis method at a right application. The Pearl index is 4.

Caution is advised with condoms from machines, however. The quality and reliability can be affected under cold or heat influence. However, you are still better than an unprotected sexual intercourse. Condoms shouldn't be stored either in the trouser pocket or in the glove compartment of the car. It recommends to buy brand condoms for themselves with the safety seal CE. Condoms with passed eat-by date or packing damaged offer no more sure protection. Condoms mustn't together with greasy or oily lubricant be used since these attack the condoms. Through this the condom can prevent no longer for certain.

Condoms can be used latex open even together with greasy or oily lubricants. Condoms can be combined with other mechanical contraceptives for the woman, such as diaphragm or Lea Contraceptivum. Chemical contraceptives, however, may not be used together with the condom since these attack the rubber.


The condom is rolled about the erected penis. The reservoir which offers a lot of space for the semens is at the end of the Parisian. It has importantly to be taken care that no air bubble forms in the reservoir. Best at the the air with two fingers made of the lace of the condom here expressions. The condom otherwise burst. A condom offers a sure protection only when it was rolled already in front of the first contact with the sheath over the penis. After the ejaculation the penis must carefully be pulled out of the sheath with the condom. The condom should be held tight with a hand. If it happens only after tiring the extremity, the condom can slip perhaps of the penis and the spermiums can reach the sheath.


The condom doesn't have any side effects bad for health and protects from sexually transmissible diseases and AIDS. A condom can spontaneously and in every age be used. It is available without prescription in pharmacies but also in drugstores, supermarkets and machines availably. The condom is comparatively cheap.


The loveplay is interrupted. Some feel disturbing condoms at the sexual intercourse. The handling requires a certain exercise and it must always be thought to this to carry the condom.

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