Basal body temperature charting

The basal body temperature charting which also is called basal basal body temperature charting is part of the methods of the natural family planning. With the help of this method the fertile days of the woman are determined. The ovulation is found out with the morning body temperature. The body temperature is rather low in the first cycle half. Within 48 hours after the ovulation the temperature increases by about 0.3 to 0.6 degrees. It remains increased to shortly before the next menstruation.

The Pearl index of the basal body temperature charting is between 1 and 10.


Woman measures her body temperature in the mouth either in the vagina or in the anus every morning before getting up. It isn't decisive, in which of the body openings just mentioned the temperature is measured importantly, is it to measure in terms of the same place always with the same thermometer. The measuring place may not be changed within a cycle. It would be optimal to measure the body temperature every morning to the same time. Well comparable measurement results deliver digital clinical thermometers which can measure the body temperature exactly on up to two fractional digits. The respective value is written down on a graph. An unprotected sexual intercourse is after the temperature rise only on the days after the permissible ovulation therefore normally two days. Woman must watch her body for months and get to know her cycle in front of the application of this method.


This method doesn't load the body. Woman can get to know her body by the method better. Disadvantages

Is alone applied this method isn't very sure. Much requires minimum temperature fairs the discipline. The method must be learned before it is used as a prophylaxis method.

Different factors like diseases, feeling fluctuations, stress, too little sleep or greater alcohol consumption can influence the morning temperature and lead to false parameters with that.

This method isn't suitable for young girls since its cycle often still isn't regular.

The basal body temperature charting doesn't offer protection against sexually transmissible diseases.

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