Prophylaxis sponge

The prophylaxis sponge is a contraceptive for the woman. It doesn't consist of nature sponge but from polyurethane foam. The small round thrush is introduced to the sheath in front of the sexual intercourse and locks the os uteri there in front of the spermiums. The thrush was dipped in spermicidal average (killing semens). The spermiums are at first killed and then absorbed by the sponge of this substance. Every sponge only can be used once.

The Pearl index of the prophylaxis sponge is between 5 and 10.


The prophylaxis thrush can import woman into the sheath already one to two hours before the sexual intercourse, the loveplay doesn't have to be interrupted so. The sponge must sit in the sheath as deeply as possible and can remain 24 hours there. The sponge must not be changed after every sexual intercourse, may not be removed earlier as two hours after the last loveplay, though. During the menstruation or shortly after a birth or at sheath infections the prophylaxis sponge may not be used.


The prophylaxis sponge doesn't intrude on the cycle of the woman. It can used spontaneously and the loveplay doesn't have to be interrupted. There is the prophylaxis sponge only in a size. It doesn't have to be adapted by the gynecologist. The handling of the sponge is simple.


The sponge a foreign body can be found when disturbing. Some women or even men react to the spermicidal means with stimulations, a burning or pruritus can appear. The prophylaxis sponge doesn't offer protection against sexually transmissible diseases. Sometimes it isn't so easy to remove the sponge from the sheath.

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