Prophylaxis plaster

The prophylaxis plaster is a hormonal contraceptive for the woman. It is and . a 4.5 x 4.5 cm big thin, flesh-colored plaster which is stuck on the skin. It is an alternative to the pill. The prophylaxis plaster hands in continuously hormones about the skin to the bloodstream. The plaster contains estrogen and gestagen. By the fact that the spermiums cannot reach the womb the ovulation impeded and the cervical mucus changed so is. In addition, the plaster prevents the nesting of the ovum into the womb mucosa.

The Pearl index of the prophylaxis plaster amounts to 0,9th women, the body weight is above 90 kg, the prophylaxis plaster isn't recommended.


Becomes the prophylaxis plaster on the naked skin, stuck to abdomen, botty or to the upper part of the body (however not on the mamma) mostly. In a cycle three prophylaxis plasters are stuck on, everybody remains seven days at the skin. The fourth week is plaster free and then uses the menstruation, too. The skin place may not be oiled or put on cream before sticking on. If the plaster of the skin should come loose, a new one must be stuck on. If the skin was more than 24 hours plaster free, then the regular cycle ended must and a new begun be.

With the prophylaxis plaster, furthermore woman can do sports. However, it is recommendable to look minimumly whether it still sticks correctly on the skin.


The prophylaxis plaster is an alternative for women who much travel and have an irregular diurnal rhythm. It is the solution for women who find annoying or often forget the minimum taking of the pill. The loveplay isn't interrupted at this prophylaxis method. There is the protection also at the vomiting or diarrhea since the hormones are handed in directly to the bloodstream.


It intrudes hormonal prophylaxis plaster on the natural cycle of the woman as everybody. Skin irritations can appear and the menstruation can get more painful. The prophylaxis plaster doesn't offer protection against sexually transmissible diseases.

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