Prophylaxis methods

The various supply of different prophylaxis methods permits the women to steer the family planning in the childbearing age and their partners. The different prophylaxis methods prevent an unwanted pregnancy.

At the choice of the prophylaxis method the lifestyle of the woman must be taken into account. A prophylaxis method shall for certain, well be usable wholesomely, lightly and have a payable price. A still existing child wish must be noticed also absolutely.

Every body is different and reacts also on the different prophylaxis methods individually. Because of this every woman must choose the method matching her. The supply is various. There are mechanical, chemical, hormonal, natural and surgical prophylaxis methods. Sometimes it can make sense to combine these with each other. Consult in the ideal case and partners make up their mind women who live into partnership together with hers for the appropriate prophylaxis method. One should extensively ask about the different prophylaxis offers and their advantages and disadvantages before, though. In addition, has to be taken into account importantly that isn't the "failure effect" at many contraceptives such as the forgotten pill, the wrongly "dressed" condom, to explain a more correct application by these.

This portal shall give information about the different prophylaxis methods

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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