Prophylaxis at the silent time

Breastfeeding infants alone doesn't offer protection against a pregnancy. The milk forming hormone suppresses the ovulation but at a temporary interruption of calming it already doesn't offer protection from an ovulation and with that from a renewed pregnancy. When the first ovulation takes place after the birth is different. Even if the menstruation doesn't enter yet, an ovulation can already take place. This means that who would not like to get pregnant just again, must have a good look at the different prophylaxis methods again.

The pills containing estrogen impede the galactorrhea, they therefore aren't appropriate during calming. The minipill doesn't contain any estrogen, only gestagen, it can be taken already six weeks after the birth. An intrauterine device can be used by the physician after the end of the lochia, that is about six weeks after the birth. Condoms can be immediately used again. Who decides in favor of a diaphragm, it can be adapted by the physician newly since os uteri and sheath have changed after the birth.

After a birth the natural methods are unsafe since the cycle hadn't adapted yet. As a rule, the regular diurnal rhythm isn't available either, what could distort the results of the body observation.
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