
The pill is a hormonal contraceptive for the woman. It is the prophylaxis method used in Germany at the most frequent one. There are several different types of the anti baby pill on the market. The pills, primarily minipills, used nowadays have a considerably lower hormone content than the anti baby pills of the first generations.

Most pills contain the female hormones estrogen and gestagen. You are merely different in composition and dosage of these two hormones. The so-called one phase pills contain the same amounts of hormone on all intake days. The two phase pills contained in the first week only estrogen, on the remaining days estrogen and gestagen. The three phase pills imitate the natural hormone concentration fluctuations of the woman. On the first intake days they contain estrogen and gestagen whose crowd is increased lightly in the middle phase. In the last phase the estrogen dose is reduced and increases the amount of gestagen.

The high safety of the pill is achieved in triple way. By the taking of the hormones the body is a pregnancy feigned. The function of the egg maturation becomes suppress and no ovulation takes place. The cervical mucus isn't liquefied so that the spermiums cannot reach the womb. The womb mucosa doesn't build up correctly so that a stimulated egg cannot nest.

If the pill is taken as instructed, it offers a safe protection from a pregnancy already as of the first day. It is only available on prescription and its Pearl index lies between 0.2 and 0,5.


The woman should if possible take the pill minimumly at the same time. If the taking of a pill should be forgotten, the woman has to make these up only 12 hour time. The hormone gift is interrupted in front of the menstruation. Either one takes the pill for 21 days and the menses enters during the pause with that. Cycle is taken for a long time if the tablets don't within the last seven days of the cycle to not interrupt the intake rituals the whole contain any hormones the pill.


The pill offers a very high safety at the right application. The loveplay isn't interrupted and the pill permits a spontaneous sexual intercourse. The pill reduces the risk to womb and ovary cancer of falling ill. With some women it improves the acnes.


The pill intrudes on the natural cycle of the woman. Medicines, primarily antibiotics, can lift the effect of the pill partly or completely. The effect substances of the pill are included in the blood by stomach intestine time. Vomiting or diarrhea can therefore impair the safety.

The woman must think of the minimum intake. Smokers who take the pill have an increased risk of falling ill at thrombosis. It can cause side effects like headaches and atmosphere fluctuations. Gives, different anti baby pills on the market sometimes it helps to change to another product at unpleasant side effects.

The pill doesn't offer protection against sexually transmissible diseases.

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