Natural family planning

The natural family planning is based on the determination of the fertile or barren days of the woman. It watches its body and gets to know its cycle. This can happen with the help of different methods such as temperature measurement, womb mucus observation, cycle calculation. These methods assume that women can get pregnant the month for only some days. On the fertile days no-one or only protected sexual intercourse may take place. The Pearl index of the natural methods lies depending on method between 1 and 35.

The prerequisite for the natural family planning is the readiness to get to know the body of one's own. For learning the methods courses are also offered. Only after several watched cycles woman will have more confidence in her body. As long as it still prevents hormonally, a cycle observation doesn't make sense since the artificial hormones intrude on the natural cycle fundamentally.


These methods don't load the body. Woman can get to know her body by the method better.


The natural family planning requires much discipline. It logically doesn't offer any protection on the fertile days. The pair must on other, as a rule on mechanical or chemical prophylaxis methods go back during this time.

The length of the cycles can move itself. The cycle can due to himself different diseases, feeling fluctuations or stress shorten or prolong. Disease or journeys can influence the reliability of these methods negatively.

For young girls and for women with an irregular cycle these methods aren't suitable.

The natural prophylaxis methods don't offer protection against sexually transmissible diseases.

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